The 12 Greatest Attitude Quotes of All Time

attitude leadership Oct 16, 2022

There is a great scene in the movie Remember the Titans where two teammates are in a huge disagreement. The Captain, Gary Bertier is arguing one point, and Julius Campbell counters with points of his own.  After hearing his argument, Bertier tells Julius, "that's the worst attitude I have ever heard.  Julius responds candidly.  "Attitude Reflects Leadership, Captain."  

It turns out to be a powerful pivot in the movie.  And from that conflict you begin to see an attitude shift in both these leaders that, in turn, changes the character for themselves and the whole team!

Attitude is without a doubt is a difference maker.  I truly believe it.  I could spin a whole blog to share my personal thoughts on it.  But today, I thought why not just share what I think are the 12 greatest attitude quotes of all time.   I hope these 12 quotes impact you as much as they have me.  Enjoy!

(1) "Our attitude toward life determines life’s...

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Think the Truth

attitude faith Oct 09, 2022

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he

– Proverbs 23:7

In an early post we talked about the importance about “being transformed by the renewing of your mind.”   That effort is not a “one in a done” exercise. It takes daily commitment.  The key is to eliminate our misbeliefs and unfounded self-limitations is to think the truth.

One of the things that helps me the most is to create a set of “I am” statements about yourself, about your beliefs.  These are affirmations.  Here are a few straight from the Word about you. Scriptural truth — what God thinks about you — is the most powerful truth there is.

  • I am a child of God, and He is with me. – Galatians 4:6
  • I am a leader of others – 2 Timothy 2:2
  • I am a prophetic voice for God – 1 Corinthians 14:3
  • I am a temple of the Holy Spirit, and He is in me. – 1 Corinthians 6:19
  • I am able share God’s truths with others. – Colossians...
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Overcoming the Agony of Defeat

courage hope Jul 17, 2022

It's been a while since I've written a blog - but that's not say that I haven't been writing.  I just came off a writing season for the forthcoming book IMAGINE.  I'll post more about the new book in a future blog.

What I want to focus in on today is something that affects us all. It's falling short, and overcoming that feeling of defeat.

Let's face it, we are all human.  We all fall short.

The Bible even says for all have sin and fallen short.  If you look back at every successful leader, you'll find that they could tell you a story of defeat.

Falling short can be the most discouraging thing ever.  What starts as optimism, and resolute hope, can sometimes come up a yard short of the end-zone, or the feeling that we didn't deliver, or worse the feeling you failed. When this happens you feel deflated.

The question is -- how do you deal the agony of defeat?

If you are like me, I usually need some time to rebound.  I can't...

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Learning to Lead BulletProof

Uncategorized May 01, 2022

This is an excerpt from the forthcoming book Imagine. It's from a chapter focused on the Power of Resilience

What has life thrown your way? Are there challenges and moments of crisis that have tested you? What if you could just be 10% more resilient? What would that look like? How might you handle things differently?

Resilience is “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or stress.” [i] It’s about bouncing back after you face defeat or discouragement. The Power of Resilience is not easy to attain. It takes some work, but it’s possible.

Imagine if you lost sight in one eye, or you received the news you never want to hear. How would you respond?  

Leading Bulletproof

I want to explore with you how you can develop a resilient mindset. A mindset where, not matter what life throws your way, you instinctively know how to bounce back.  I call this leading bulletproof. 

Leading bulletproof...

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I Have a Dream - Why It Inspires

attitude vision Jan 17, 2022

Just a few years ago, I sat in an auditorium at the Orlando World Marriott Center and witnessed one of the most profound speeches the world has ever heard.  The orator was a gentleman named Stephon Ferguson. He is a Martin Luther King Jr. impersonator, and in this bright auditorium, Stephon stepped up to the podium as if he was on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  Instantly he captivated the room, and in that next six minutes, it was if we were transported to 1963. I was moved to tears.

The words of a great leader can inspire us to a renewed vision. When you think about it, MLK’s speech is the perfect example. Take a moment to reflect on what he eloquently shared. The words are eternal.

“Even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that...

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Books to Lead - "The Alchemist"

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2021

Here it -- is the final top book that we picked and wanted to share with you. It's book #16, which is The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. This epic adventure centers on a character named Santiago who represents you and me. It's a powerful tale, that will help you you live and lead. Tune in and capture take aways from this incredible episode.  

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Books to Lead - "Dare to Lead"

books Dec 23, 2021

Paul and Rick crack open the top books on leadership and life. For this episode, we explore Brené Brown''s magnum opus on leadership, "Dare to Lead". Specifically, we explore the TEN BEHAVIORS and CULTURAL ISSUES that get in the way of leaders and organizations.  

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Books to Lead - "4 Disciplines of Execution"

books Dec 16, 2021

Paul and Rick crack open the top books on leadership and life. For this week's episode, we explore four elements that can help you move from strategy to EXECUTION.

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Power of Prayer - The Hidden Gift of Christmas

attitude christmas faith Dec 12, 2021

I grew up going to church. Every Sunday and frequently on Wednesday it seems my family was always there in the building.  Can I be honest?  Most of the time I didn't want to be there.

I was a fidgety kid.  I remember sitting in the Church pew hearing more prayers than I can count. Some were simple and profound.  Touching and real.  But most were just long drawn out speeches trying to influence God -- and all those listening.  It was a sales pitch usually combined with an alter call.  That was my perception of prayer.

What’s interesting is that despite all my years of going to church and "being" in church, rarely did anyone talk about WHAT prayer really is.  It was if they assumed you just knew.

Sure, we heard the Lord’s prayer, and I was even taught how to pray. That is really important, but what about understanding what prayer really is?  Not necessarily the why - but the...

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Books to Lead - Influence

book books Dec 09, 2021

Paul and Rick crack open the top books on leadership and life. For this week's episode, we uncap the psychology of PERSUASION as we explore Robert Cialdini's breakthrough book "Influence."

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If you have a passion  for personal growth or leadership, then let's stay connected.  Occasionally, but not too often. I'll share helpful information and useful resources to encourage those on the breaking average journey.