View from Above

stories Oct 21, 2021

If a picture tells a thousand words, what about a drone shot video? 

I wanted to share with you my office view this week using a drone just above my family's modest mountain home in Colorado.  While the internet keeps me connected on critical work items, I've taken a few breaks every now and then to connect with my mom who has been with me, or breath in the mountain air.   One of those, was capturing some drone footage to start the day. 

Here's the video I created, featuring a song  by indie artist Ben Porter with his piece called "Quiet". I hope this encourages you in some small way today. 

Be Well,


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Books to Lead - "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

growth habits leadership Oct 21, 2021

Paul and Rick crack open the top books on leadership and life on the Breaking Average Podcast. For this week's episode the book in the spotlight is a classic, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" written by the legendary Steven Covey

You're going to love this episode. 

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Dreaming Wide Awake

A few years ago I watched a movie that left me speechless. And I just watched it again with the same results. The movie is about the true story that inspired the hit song I Can Only Imagine.

If you are not familiar with it, the song paints a picture about our next life. You know, the one we hope to experience one day, but few of us are in a rush to get there.

Surprisingly the movie is NOT about heaven. It’s about life in the here and now. It’s about the struggle, the perseverance it takes to endure, and the relationships that often times require our attention.

To be candid with you, I was expecting the movie to be predictable fiction faith with fake fears and tears an overly dramatic ending. Honestly, when I sat down to watch it, I just wanted to be distracted by something that would at least be entertaining. However, in the next 90 minutes, it captivated my attention, and by the end, it exposed for me an area in need of awakening, and an image of a new-found...

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Books to Lead - "The Vision Driven Leader"

books podcast vision Oct 18, 2021

Alright!  I could hardly wait to share this one.  We are on to our next amazing book on our segment of "Books to Lead" on the Breaking Average Podcast. This past week Rick and I dive into a book that is fresh and relevant, and were' sure that you'll want to grab. It's the The Driven Vision Leader by Michael Hyatt. 

We share our favorite insights, and how it can be used to strategize, visualize, and help you and your team. The subtitle for the book says everything in what it offers, "10 Questions to Focus Your Efforts, Energize Your Team, and Scale Your Business." Once again, we know you're going to love this podcast and going to love Michael's book.  

Please let us know how much you enjoy this book our podcast by sharing a comment below. 

If you want even MORE on this book, check out my blog review a few months back that unpacks more bits.  This is info...

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Books to Lead - "High Performance Habits"

books habits podcast Oct 07, 2021

We continue our next quick dive one of our "Books to Lead" on the Breaking Average Podcast. This week Rick and Paul dive into a book that is a perennial favorite.  "High Performance Habits" by Brendon Burchard. 

Rick and'PaulI share our favorite insights, and how it can be used to connect with others. Once again, we know you're going to enjoy this podcast and love this book.  

Let us know how much you enjoy this book by sharing a comment below.

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Remembering Steve Jobs

It's been 10 years since we lost a great one.   Someone who has impact the lives of almost everyone of us -- and this is true whether you are an apple fan or not. 

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The Obstacle is the Way

attitude courage Oct 02, 2021

I wanted to share some thoughts regarding the topics of obstacles.  I did this a few years back, but recently transcribed the video.

Here's both.

 Here's the transcript for the video above. (sorry for the typos)


Hey guys, hope you're doing good.

March the fourth -- fantastic day in my family at least, oldest son's birthday today. So hey, listen, I wanted to throw down some thoughts on walking the dog again, dogs plural. just rode the bike. And I was thinking about obstacles.

How many times have you been stopped by obstacles? I mean, I have 1000s of times. I've had obstacles today. I've let the obstacles rob me of my next steps, to be honest with you. But I've also found ways to leverage and get past it right. You've heard the phrase, the obstacle is the way, here's something that happened to me, I realized I was dealing with some obstacles. And I was actually the obstacles or external obstacles are internal. Okay.

I always make an excuses as to why I wasn't gonna get...

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Books to Lead - "Adversaries into Allies"

books leadership podcast Sep 30, 2021

We continue another amazing discussion on "Books to Lead" on the Breaking Average Podcast. This week Rick Morris and Paul dive into a book that has all the makings of a classic.  It's Bob Burg's book "Adversaries into Allies". 

Rick and'PaulI share our favorite insights, and how it can be used to connect with others. We know you're going to enjoy this podcast and love this book.  Enjoy!

Let us know how much you love this book by sharing a comment below.

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Football Legends on Leadership

attitude leadership winning Sep 25, 2021

One of my favorite movie scenes is this clip from the movie Rudy.  I love how the players and fans rally to influence the coach to put Rudy in the game.  And I love how he leads with heart and tenacity.  It's how we should all live.

If you are a fan of leadership, then you ought to be a fan of football. Seriously!  While football may just be a game to most, there are many parallels to what it takes to live and lead effectively at home and in business;  especially college or playoff football. Football at that level reflects all the critical elements of leadership.  Consider you can find many of John Maxwell's 21 Laws of Leadership exemplified in a top 20 or playoff football team.  You'll see the law of the lid, the law of momentum, the law of teamwork, and so many more.

For many, the best part of football on the calendar is not just the Super Bowl, but college bowl games and the playoffs for the teams trying to go...

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Books to Lead - "Boundaries for Leaders"

books leadership podcast Sep 23, 2021

We continue our amazing discussions on "Books to Lead" on the Breaking Average Podcast. This week it's Boundaries for Leaders by Dr. Henry Cloud. 

Rick Morris and I share our favorite insights, and how it can be used to guide you and your team.  Why?  Because you are a leader, and "you are ridiculously in charge."  Don't let your leadership opportunity fall short of what it could be. Those relationships and your leadership -- they matter!

We know you're going to love this book (and our podcast).  If you've read it before -- it might be time to read it again!

Let us know how much you love this book by sharing a comment below.

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If you have a passion  for personal growth or leadership, then let's stay connected.  Occasionally, but not too often. I'll share helpful information and useful resources to encourage those on the breaking average journey.