How to Make an Audio Book

audible book Jul 16, 2023

My audio for IMAGINE finally hit the streets. I can't wait for you to listen to it.  (Here's the link:

Recently my friend Roger on LinkedIn asked me if I had gone to a recording studio to get it done, and inquired about the steps in how I brought it to life. Here's what I shared back, but also with the inclusion of the SECRET NOTES, which just wouldn't fit in the LinkedIn response.

Roger. I have a home studio for podcasting, that I can use for vocal recording. It's something I enjoy doing when I have the downtime. 

Here are My 12 Steps for making an Audiobook:

  1. Get the right gear - see my secret notes below.
  2. Read your book from MS Word.
  3. Start at the beginning of the book
  4. Don't worry about messing up. If you do, just repeat the phrase. You can fix it in the edits.
  5. Save each chapter individually (and often) as a project in Audacity.
  6. Go back to the audio project and edit out the lines you may have repeated.
  7. Add a stereo...
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Chat GPT Book Review of "IMAGINE"

book chat gpt imagine Mar 18, 2023

This is funny.  I asked Chat-GPT for a review of my book "IMAGINE".  Here's what she said. :-).  


"Imagine" is a book about creativity, innovation, and leadership, and it provides practical tools and strategies to help readers develop their imagination and creativity. The author, Paul Gustavson, is an experienced entrepreneur, speaker, and consultant who has worked with various organizations to help them unlock their creative potential and achieve their goals.

Here are some reasons why people might consider reading "Imagine":

  1. Develop creativity and innovation skills: "Imagine" provides readers with practical tips and techniques to develop their creativity and innovation skills, which can be useful in various aspects of life, including personal and professional growth.

  2. Learn about leadership: The book also discusses the role of leadership in fostering a creative and innovative culture in organizations. Readers can learn how to become better...

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You Matter

book hope imagine Dec 23, 2022

I want to share why I wrote the book IMAGINE -- why the message is important to me.

In my early days as a child I struggled with what others thought of me -- what I thought of me. You see, when I was younger, I was the kid with the buck teeth. The blond headed toehead, who may have smiled on the outside, but -- can I be honest? I wasn't smiling about myself on the inside. I struggled.

The reality is that there are people all around us who are struggling too. They silently struggle with thoughts about themselves, about what they are perceiving from others, and that just isn't healthy thinking.

People are hurting. Maybe lonely. They might even be questioning their worth, and the value they bring to the table.

Their imagination might be taking them to some pretty dark places. They need hope. A light. A path.

That's the message of the book. You see, when I was 13 something finally shifted for me. It's when I first realized the value of imagination.

Imagination can be a friend or a foe....

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Sitting In with Kenny Loggins biographer - Jason Turbow

book hope perseverance Oct 23, 2022

Barry Smith and I had a chance to sit down with best-selling author Jason Turbow recently for the Breaking Average Podcast. We talked about baseball and what it was like to help Kenny Loggins share his incredible story in the recently published book, Still Alright.

Check out the podcast on your favorite podcast platform of choice, or watch the two part interview on our YouTube channel below. 

Part 1

Part 2


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Also be sure to buy Kenny Loggins book on Amazon or wherever fine books are sold.  (You'll love this book!)



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Books to Lead - Influence

book books Dec 09, 2021

Paul and Rick crack open the top books on leadership and life. For this week's episode, we uncap the psychology of PERSUASION as we explore Robert Cialdini's breakthrough book "Influence."

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Books to Lead - To Sell is Human

book Dec 02, 2021

Paul and Rick crack open the top books on leadership and life. For this week's episode, we unpack the landmark book from best-selling author Daniel Pink - To Sell is Human. Learn the new ABCs of sales and marketing. And discover the power of MOVING people.

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Books to Lead - Leaders Eat Last

book brain leadership Nov 04, 2021

On the Breaking Average Podcast, we unpack a revolutionary book that has more impact now, then when it was first written.  It's Simon Sinek's book Leaders Eat Last. 

Join Paul and Rick as they share great insights from this book.  Also included below are some helpful resources to further unpack the book and podcast.   

We encourage to check out all the resources and online classes that Simon and his team offer by visiting their web site at

We have a few resources inspired from the book that are highlighted below to help you unpack this even further.

This first view  reflects the goals of a good leader.   The desire is to create a circle a circle of safety with those in our care.  This is important component to breaking averaging.

This next view gives you a glimpse of the power of our neurotransmitters in creating this "circle of safety."   What we need to watch for our is the...

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If you have a passion  for personal growth or leadership, then let's stay connected.  Occasionally, but not too often. I'll share helpful information and useful resources to encourage those on the breaking average journey.