I want to share why I wrote the book IMAGINE -- why the message is important to me.
In my early days as a child I struggled with what others thought of me -- what I thought of me. You see, when I was younger, I was the kid with the buck teeth. The blond headed toehead, who may have smiled on the outside, but -- can I be honest? I wasn't smiling about myself on the inside. I struggled.
The reality is that there are people all around us who are struggling too. They silently struggle with thoughts about themselves, about what they are perceiving from others, and that just isn't healthy thinking.
People are hurting. Maybe lonely. They might even be questioning their worth, and the value they bring to the table.
Their imagination might be taking them to some pretty dark places. They need hope. A light. A path.
That's the message of the book. You see, when I was 13 something finally shifted for me. It's when I first realized the value of imagination.
Imagination can be a friend or a foe. I prefer the first. What if we made it an ally as we round the corner to 2023?
If this message encourages you, then I invite you to read the book and share about it with others. Maybe consider a review on Amazon, sharing a link, or just telling others that they matter.
People matter.
You Matter.
Learn more about the book at TheImagineBook.com
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