Washington Commanders Are Breaking Average!

We may have just witnessed one of the greatest victories in NFL history—the Washington Commanders beating the Detroit Lions, the #1 seeded team in the NFL, in the second round of the playoffs 45-31. I can’t help but reflect on how they accomplished it. From a team that managed only four wins last year to now being one win away from the Super Bowl—WOW! Their journey is nothing short of miraculous.

This is a team that defied the odds and silenced the critics.

Think about how they achieved this. It took what I call team strong leadership, which aligns with the ideas I share in my book Breaking Average. In one season, the entire culture of the team and the city has been reignited. This team is like a once-dormant volcano in the midst of erupting.

The Commanders’ season is a masterclass in the power of the VICTORY mindset for any organization. It takes seven critical factors: Vision, Insight, Collaboration, Trust, Ownership, Resilience, and what I call the Yes...

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5 Secrets to the Art of Winning

The art of winning is something almost everyone of us would love to know and understand. It doesn't matter your gender, your age, your culture, or your position.  We all want to know what it takes to win. Surprisingly the game of football can reveal some of these secrets, but you don't have to be a fan of football to benefit from the knowledge.

In this blog, I share with you 5 takeaways on the Art of Winning.  These are 5 Principles, while borrowed from a story related to the game of football, are precepts any one of us can learn to apply in our life going forward.  They are difference makers for teams, businesses, organizations, schools, and more.


The 5 Principles come from my  takeaways from a documentary about a forgotten era when the NFL faced a real challenge.  The documentary is an ESPN 30 for 30 film on the 1987 NFL Replacement Players.  It chronicles the NFL strike ridden season, that challenged the league, fans,...

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If you have a passion  for personal growth or leadership, then let's stay connected.  Occasionally, but not too often. I'll share helpful information and useful resources to encourage those on the breaking average journey.