Dreaming Wide Awake

A few years ago I watched a movie that left me speechless. And I just watched it again with the same results. The movie is about the true story that inspired the hit song I Can Only Imagine.

If you are not familiar with it, the song paints a picture about our next life. You know, the one we hope to experience one day, but few of us are in a rush to get there.

Surprisingly the movie is NOT about heaven. It’s about life in the here and now. It’s about the struggle, the perseverance it takes to endure, and the relationships that often times require our attention.

To be candid with you, I was expecting the movie to be predictable fiction faith with fake fears and tears an overly dramatic ending. Honestly, when I sat down to watch it, I just wanted to be distracted by something that would at least be entertaining. However, in the next 90 minutes, it captivated my attention, and by the end, it exposed for me an area in need of awakening, and an image of a new-found...

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Set You Free

Do you want to know what the most POWERFUL act in the world is?

It's forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the act or process of forgiving or being forgiven:  It means to let go. 
If there is something holding you down, then it needs to be let go.  Is there a resentment, a past misstep, a guilty conscious, an apprehension, a beef?  Are you silently beating yourself up, and maybe taking it out on others?
Today's challenge -- Forgive yourself! Set the prisoner free.
No, you may not be perfect.  Nobody is. But you are perfectly purposed to make an impact.

The scripture makes it simple:  Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. - Micah 6:8.   

Those are powerful words that shape us. Forgiveness is the center point of all three.   

Forgive yourself.  

Be the kind of person that matter most. 

Forgive yourself and Do Justly.
Forgive yourself and Love Mercy. 
Forgive yourself...
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